THE DISAPPEARANCE: Part One. 'Ellie' by Virginia Hainsworth
It’s three o’clock in the morning. I am awake. Again. I gaze through the open curtains at the bare-faced moon. It is a delicate, dreamy blue and it stares back, unblinkingly, at me. I wish it could tell me where you are. I turn to your empty pillow and hug it pathetically. Where are you? I know you are out there, somewhere, alive. I would sense it if you weren’t. I’ve told the children that you have gone away for a few days with work. I hate lying to them, but what can I do? Cassie asked if you had gone to stay with her dad. For what must be the hundredth time, I trawl every quadrant of my brain for anything unusual in the days leading up to Tuesday morning when you left for work, as normal. I’ve been over this so many times in my head and with the police. You left, as you always do, in a rush. You didn’t take your wallet and bank cards. You never do. Just enough money for the ...