13. Dmitri's Drinks Party by Clair Wright
“It says here, ‘finish it’.” That is all. So that is what I propose to do, ladies and gentlemen.” Dmitri beams, and tucks the telegram back into his pocket. The temperature seems to have risen by twenty degrees in the cabin, and it’s not only due to the afternoon sun piercing through the porthole windows. The air is rapidly becoming fetid; sweat and fear overpowering the aroma of cigarette smoke. At Dmitri’s signal, Johnson sits, perched on the edge of his seat as if ready to bolt. I wonder where he thinks he’s going to run to. We are like rats in a trap in here. The curtain at the front of the cabin is pulled back and it takes me a moment to recognise Charlie Markman, cool in a crisp white pilot’s shirt, complete with epaulettes and braid. I stifle a smirk; this plane is an absolute crate. Charlie nods at the Creightons and I see James bristle, his fingers gripping the arms of his seat. Charlie sees it too and grins, ...