Passport - Part Two by Virginia Hainsworth

June 1987. The Grand Hotel, Margitsziget, Budapest. James Fincham strode into the lobby and walked straight to the reception desk, mopping his brow with his handkerchief. He set his brown leather holdall on the floor beside him. The desk clerk looked up. “Szervusz, Mr Leadbetter. Good to see you. How can I help you?” James replied in flawless Hungarian. “Good morning, Ambrus. Please can you tell me if Miss Fodor is in her room.” “No, I believe she is in the lounge, sir.” “Thank you, Ambrus.” James ran his hand through his hair and walked over to the lounge area, towards a woman seated on an oversized sofa. As soon as she saw him walking towards her, she leapt up and moved towards him. “Henry, you’re late, darling. I feel as though I’ve been waiting for hours.” “I’m only five minutes late, Martuska. Come here.” H...