Passport - Part Six by Virginia Hainsworth

Viktor’s driving was erratic, to say the least, and he refused to answer any of Jack’s questions. He just said that he was just being paid to take her somewhere, to her mother. She kept repeating the word over and over in her mind. Her mother. After about fifteen minutes, Viktor pulled up outside an apartment block in the suburbs of Budapest. “Number 471, second floor, apartment 5b,” he said brusquely. He drove off quickly as soon as Jack stepped out onto the pavement. She attempted to hide her nerves by knocking firmly on the door of apartment 5b. The door was answered by an attractive, elegantly dressed woman of about 60. The woman stared briefly and then said, in an Eastern European accent, “Jacqueline? Thank you for coming all this way. Please come in.” “Everyone calls me Jack. And you are?” “Martuska. It is good to meet you. ...