The Slow-Ticking Moon - Part 2 by Owen Townend

Chaos rushed in with gleeful violence and pillaging. Cults arose like The Lunacy Markers, all demanding air time to shout down the overtired experts. Each night the Moon Clock went backwards and forwards to random times, with no discernible sequence. A probe was sent out to the satellite’s surface to hopefully disrupt any illusion or confirm a baffling truth. Then one Monday midnight five and a half weeks later, the Moon Clock returned to twelve o’clock. Order restored, for one night at least. The Lunacy Markers insisted that this was the beginning of a new sequence, 'hitherto undreamt of'. Of course, they were obliquely announcing the end of the world. All the other cults fell in line, rushing to confirm the end times according to the Moon Clock. And yet, if you asked any one of these zealots, they couldn’t give clear justification of their doomsaying. The fact remained that no-one on Earth could comprehend the strange tim...