Monday 17 February 2014

Why the Writers’ Lunch

We’re a (small) community of writers both published and aspiring, based in Yorkshire. We meet weekly for lunch and a discussion of what motivates us to write, what prevents us from writing, what we’ve learnt and what we’ve written. In-between mouthfuls of sandwich, burger or wrap, with the odd jacket potato thrown in.
We’ve decided to create a shared blog for many reasons. It will help some of us take our first tentative steps into the blogosphere. It gives us the chance to see what effect exposure to the bright glare of (potential) readers has on our writing. It requires a regular commitment – something which personally I really need to give me the impetus to put words on a page.
And because we have found that it helps to help each other.
Writing is, of course, a solitary activity. How could it be anything else? It’s just you, your pen and paper. Or keyboard and screen. Or quill and parchment if that’s what floats your boat.
When it’s going well the solitude is part of the joy – the quiet exploration of your own head to discover the worlds you might create, the characters you could breathe into life, the emotions you want to evoke in your readers. Even if the only reader is you. But when it’s an off day, it can feel like you're screaming into an empty room and hearing the echoes of your creative failures bouncing back at you from every surface.
In this state, mutual encouragement and support are required, are even mandatory. It is how we turn our struggles and our doubts into better writing, perhaps even competition winning or publishable writing. It's how we garner the courage to pick up our chosen writing implement once more and try again.
This is why we lunch. And this is why we now blog together too.
So welcome to the Writers' Lunch. We will be offering up our writerly thoughts and our literary endeavours – be they light bites, sweet treats or hearty meals – for comment and feedback, (gentle) criticism and as food for thought.
Bon appétit.


  1. Good luck to you all at Writers' Lunch. I look forward to a menu that will stimulate the palate with tasty and intriguing words.

    1. Why thank you kind sir. Prepare to have your tastebuds tingle.

  2. Eating and writing go together well. I am a member of LLWL (Literary Ladies Wot Lunch). We are doing the same as you but we only meet every five or six weeks. Good luck with the group and the waistlines.

    1. Hi Lynne
      Thank you for commenting. It's good to know that we're not alone in our need for both literary and gastronomic sustenance. Do the Literary Ladies Wot Lunch blog also? It would be great to compare notes.

    2. We've been meaning to start a blog for ages now but the hazelnut ice-cream with hot chocolate fudge sauce always seems to get priority. I'll mention it again at our next 'meeting'.
