Sunday 9 March 2014

The Joy of Writing

I searched for inspiration
but nothing could I find.
I trawled my tired and fuddled brain,
every quadrant of my mind.
I tried in vain to mind-map
but my writing pad stayed blank.
Perhaps some soothing music would help
but into a doze I sank.
So next, I thought I'd meditate.
Maybe help would come.
I sat on the floor and closed my eyes,
contemplated 'til my bum was numb.
But still no muse, no creative ideas
entered my empty head.
So I thought I'd completely distract myself
and take a bath instead.
One hour later, back I came,
with wrinkled fingers and toes.
Warm, relaxed and clean was I,
pen poised, still nothing shows.
And then I turned to alcohol
to try to free my head.
Purely in the pursuit of art, you know,
I emptied a bottle of red.
Frustrated, disheartened, fed up I became
and so I deserted my pen.
I  resorted to cleaning 'neath the kitchen sink
and tidying the den.
I washed my mascara brush, of course,
and polished the kettle as well
but still I could think of nothing to write
and then, in my head, rang a bell.
I could write about writing nothing at all!
And, in a flash, this poem came.
So if you're not smart or creative today,
you could always try the mundane!

1 comment:

  1. Ah yes, the joy of writing. Sometimes, just occasionally, when the planets are aligned... The rest of the time it's an epic battle with the forces of doubt and procrastination.
