The Message by Dave Rigby
The phone hasn’t rung.
Five twenty. Couldn’t sleep. Up and about, radio on.
Toast under the grill, tea brewing. Stare at the phone, willing it to ring.
Tyne, Dogger, Fisher……
Butter the toast. It’s hard to swallow. Sip the tea. Another
sugar. The dog’s at my feet.
I turn things over and over. Why did it have to happen to
her? Why did it have to happen to us? All our years together, then clear blue
sky to utter darkness in seconds.
I read their text yet again, re-check their final deadline
- 5:30 a.m. my time. For them, far away in that debilitating heat, it’s noon. If
the money reaches them in time, they’ll call. If not that’s it.
Here, too ill to leave the house, waiting, waiting for
that ring.
The phone stays silent.
Dover, Wight, Portland…..
Another bite of toast. Add some marmalade. Rays of
sunlight. Normal things happening on a normal day, except there’s nothing
normal about today for me or for her.
If only I could stretch it out, make the next few minutes
last long enough for it all to be resolved. But each movement of the second
hand on the mantelpiece clock is taking her away from me.
Trafalgar, FitzRoy …..
I picture each name as it flows through the air, carrying
a part of me across the sea, like it used to on those early mornings years ago.
Distant places, unvisited, yet so familiar.
Today the words feel like a tidal surge sweeping her away
from me.
Ring, damn you, ring!

Sea, Shannon, Rockall…..
The disembodied voice moves on relentlessly, the far
northwest is looming, their deadline a minute or two away.
Only silence.
A dog barks in the garden beyond. The gutter creaks in
the warming early sun. My cup is empty.
Hebrides, Bailey…….
It’s not going to happen. There’ll be no last minute
reprieve. After all we’ve been through, there’ll be nothing left.
Isle, Faroes……
I walk slowly towards the back door to let the dog out.
The phone rings. I pick it up.
East Iceland.
Shipping Forecast is broadcast at 5:20 each morning
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