Nothing good by Andrew Shephard

I try to write but nothing good will come and when I speak the words stick in my throat yet still this dream that something must be done. Although you hear me say I’m having fun cold blood is spilled for every word I quote. I try to write but nothing good will come just futile rants, blank pages overrun with streams of adjectives to self promote but still this dream that something must be done. Dramatic night spins threads with scenes begun but dawning light sinks lines that do not float. I try to write but nothing good will come. Though thoughts are light my pencil weighs a ton grey fog obscures the last few words I wrote but still I dream that something could be done. I fear it is the same for everyone - shouting, ears covered, pleading for a vote. I try to write but nothing good will come yet still this dream that something must be done. This poem, a villanelle, is dedicated to every writer who has struggled to put word...