Sunday 6 October 2019

Poppies by Vivien Teasdale

 As we are heading towards remembrance Sunday, I thought this might be appropriate. We're just dead heading the last of ours in the garden.


An offering in his grubby hand,
scratched where he’d scrambled over stones
to pluck the scarlet flowers,
drinking their claret cup
of summer in the scorching sun;
Imagined joy comforts his lateness.

Going home, jubilant,
face raised for his mother’s kiss.
Her slap scratches where she marks her words
with meaning, scarlet anger brimming over.
Bouquet, drooping in the cruel glare,
cascades burning tears down his grubby fist.


  1. Very powerfully written. I can feel his pain and confusion.

  2. Quite the remembrance! I adore the complexity of emotion in this poem.

    Thanks, Vivien!

  3. Such a powerful story in your poem Vivien, I feel very sorry for the little boy! xx
