Monday 31 August 2020

Below Mellbreak by Andrew Shephard


Below Mellbreak

Sheep occupy old oak wood

between farm, fell and water.

They stare like guards,

unsure if people are permitted.

Marking boundaries

with straggly tags of wool

here on twigs, there on wire,

they befuddle walkers,

lay false trails

by tramping back and forth

through seasons of fallen leaves

and rotting bark,

leave hard bullets

in every resting place

to prove their ancient right.


  1. Lovely, Andrew, I can almost hear them bleating. And they definitely look at you as if you have no right to be there - which in their view, we haven't. Thanks for this.

  2. Lovely poem, Andrew. And lovely photos.

  3. To this poem I say BAAAAAAA! Seriously though, Andrew, your gloriously characterful verse about livestock made me grin. Thank you!

  4. I wanted to be there too, to share your wonderful experience. Thank you Andrew
