Monday 2 November 2020

We Only Live Once by Yvonne Witter


COVID-19, yes that controversy, or global pandemic, does not seem to be abating anytime soon. I am sure that like me, you’ve heard about, nay seen the many mishaps during online virtual meetings. I am not even sure that they are mishaps, because leopards do not change spots. But I suppose that we can all agree that it is easy to forget that there is an embedded camera in play in the heat of the 'office shenanigans' moment though. But what about the current online dating fiasco taken to a new level now, because after you have swiped in the direction of preference, there remains the dilemma of social distancing on a date. So, pray tell when will that sought after first kiss actually happen?  Will it be after using a dodgy or perfectly well-working test kit? Asking for a friend. A woman posted on FaceBook that men have become more confident under lockdown conditions and a bloke replied in capitals that it was about ‘desperation’.

This situation is layered though isn’t it? What about all those couples my legal and psychotherapist mates tell me are filing for divorce, as they now have an enduring hatred of the other, after spending all day in the same house working from home. They say COVID simply shines a spotlight on that which was already present, like the inequities in society. But what about all those illicit affairs that were shrouded in ‘unfortunate late meetings’, ‘extra work’, and ‘a quick drink after work with colleagues’. Might it be those very same people fervently breaking Covid rules and popping out to get the shopping, walk the dog or get some exercise?  Well, you can’t measure how much time someone needs, to feel like they have had a good workout, even if it is a long walk if gyms are closed too.

Seems to me like I have gone all the way around the houses to tell you that although I don’t enjoy regular exercise, I have now found the near-perfect antidote to my love of being sedentary. I should say second love because aqua aerobics is my go-to activity to feel alive and full of beans and satisfy myself that I have done exercise. I mean COVID has unfortunately stripped me of the activities I would not have measured as exercise, like walking around the shopping centre window shopping, or just popping out to an event to network, enjoy the theatre or a lecture.

Have you heard of the Peloton bike? I know, me neither until I was discussing the temporary hire of gym equipment. The cheaper option of a trampoline, hula hoop or skipping rope would simply not have even got the first jump so why even pretend? It took me a month of reading blogs, downloading the Peloton app, and watching the sweating Peloton instructors while jigging around to the music lying in bed, to realise that I had found my second-best stimulating activity.  

I bought one, I should say invested in one, and decided to start saving again for my funeral plan, figured my life would be extended. I recall attending a couple of spin classes with a friend who ignored my protestations and bought me an extra padded seat to attach. I discovered that I really loved Spin classes when I connected with the instructor. If I felt an affinity and the music was to my liking, generally I had a great spin class. So now, in my own home with the aid of a screen, I have the sweaty bodies of gorgeous instructors smiling at me and egging me on, telling me how gorgeous I am and how capable I am. I feel like I am in a special relationship. I also now belong to a Peloton family and even though my own family is not allowed during tier three, I now have a global family of COVID belly carriers, who like me believe that we can ride our way to health and emerge from this pandemic without a middle bulge.

We only live once, so I must try to make it satisfying even under trying circumstances.


  1. Good Luck with the spinning, Yvonne. Sounds like you are having some fun, as well as keeping fit, during these challenging times. Keep it up. 🚲

    1. Thanks Charlotte, some fun is imperative at this time LOL

  2. I love this piece for, having analysed the challenges of this time, you have found a beautiful solution that ticks many boxes. With our mental and spiritual health under attack, a community exercising together can always save the day!

    1. Thank you so much, as I feel my mental, physical and spiritual health under severe pressure. Yesterday I felt like I just wanted to scream loudly!

  3. Well, I certainly didn't expect a piece about exercise during lockdown. Quite invigorating! Glad to see you're so passionate about Peloton. Thanks, Yvonne! (ooh, an accidental rhyme!)

  4. An inspiring example of how one can adapt to new situations. Go Yvonne!!!
