Monday 14 December 2020

Poles Apart by Dave Rigby

Hi to all you listeners out there and welcome to The Match. Sorry to disappoint any of you who’ve tuned in expecting me to talk about football. But as all you lovely regulars know, we’re here to find out how you met your other half, how you got together.

And today we’ve got a special couple. I’ll start by introducing John North. Hi John, how are you?

I’m very well thanks, Jimmy.

So, tell me a bit about where you live.

Well, it’s extremely cold here. But it’s slowly getting warmer. Meeting people is difficult. There’s just not many of us around. And with the cold, you know, if you do manage to find someone there’s all the business of big coats, over-trousers and gloves to deal with.

But despite all that, I hear you’ve managed to find a partner.

I’ve been very lucky.

How did you meet?

On the International Dating Line which I’ve never used before. It’s always seemed so far distant from my world. But hey…it’s come up trumps!

Well, this is where I should introduce Jane…Jane South. I’m afraid the line to your place is coming and going a bit, but hopefully we’ll be able to chat. How are you, Jane?

I’m good thanks, Jimmy. And hi to you, John. Really enjoyed that meal.

How did the relationship develop after you first meeting?

By degrees really. We charted our progress step by step, didn’t we, John.

You’re right, Jane, but I think there was something in the stars. It was meant to be.

Indeed. Just because we live poles apart…that doesn’t lessen the attraction!

Yes, and we’ve gradually migrated together – if you get my drift, Jimmy.

Indeed, I do, John. So, tell me, Jane, has the path to true love been smooth for you both?

Like any couple we’ve had our ups and downs. But we allow each other a bit of latitude and I think that’s important if you want to stop things going west.

And have you mapped out your future, John?

Good question, Jimmy. It’s a frequent tropic of conversation between us. Let’s say we’re moving in the right direction, but of course there’s still a way to go. You’ll appreciate these can be difficult waters to navigate.

And where would you like your ultimate destination to be, Jane?

Oh, we’ve both decided a desert island would be best – even though it would be so far from our comfort zones.

So, I can hear that theme music already, those seagulls setting the scene. Have you chosen your discs by any chance? You first, John.

Ha ha, Jimmy. Don’t miss a trick, do you? As it happens, we have. Equal shares, four each. The bands I’ve chosen reflect my homeland. The Arctic Monkeys, Snow Patrol, Polar Bear and The Icicle Works.

And what about your choices, Jane? Are they a reminder of where you live now?

No, Jimmy! That’s because I’m looking forward to our new home. The songs I’ve picked are Island in the Sun, Surf’s Up, Good Day Sunshine and Some Enchanted Evening – you know, from South Pacific.

Well – let’s kick off with some good old Rodgers and Hammerstein.

And thanks to John and Jane for taking part in…The Match.


  1. Entertaining and original. I enjoyed this very much. Thanks, Dave.

  2. I found this dialogue True-ly Magnetic - gerrit? You're a wit, Dave. Thank you!

  3. What an innovative piece of writing. I think you should take up writing full time - maybe a grizzled P. I.?
