Monday 13 December 2021

Twenty Hand-crafted Xmas Cards by Owen Townend

- This year I'm making my own Christmas cards.

- Good for you! Not fully making them though?

- Yes, fully making. I do have the materials, Angela. I'm going to give it a whirl.

- Don't take this the wrong way, Harold, but I think you might just be a little mad.

- Pish-posh! I know what I'm doing. I'm a craftsman.

- You make jewellery and sell it at market.

- Well then. Cards should be a doddle by comparison.

- All right, maybe. What sort of card will you use?

- Green. Thick. Possibly red.

- But not so thick that you can't cut it?

- Of course not. Dozy mare.

- What designs will you cut?

- Intricate. Christmas tree. Maybe mistletoe or holly.

- Really? That'll be a very prickly card. You won't get much more than 'Merry Xmas' on it.

- So? The name of the recipient will be on the envelope.

- That envelope should probably be made of some sturdy paper or else the card will cut it to ribbons.

- Oh, shush.

- And what about decoration?

- Bits of tinsel probably.

- The envelope will have to be quite wide as well then. Sorry, dear.

- How about some actual holly then? Just a sprig, mind.

- That would definitely get squished in transit.

- Fabrics then. A little red felt flap to open on the inside? Does that suit madam?

- That might work. It'd have to be a very thin piece of fabric though.

- Obviously.

- How are you for glue?

- Oh, I have plenty of adhesive. For all kinds of material.

- A glue stick should do it. My Maddy did something similar last week, in class.

- They've got her onto that sort of thing already?

- Yes. Christmas begins on the first of December at her school.

- Oh.

- I could ask her for tips if you like.

- Funny, Angela. Very funny.

- Well, it's a bit of a laugh.

- Not when I need to get twenty out in a week.

- That many?

- Give or take.

- You're not thinking of taking my name off that list, are you?

- Well, if I’m honest…

- Ooh. You are cruel, you are.

- I suppose I have my moments.

- Twenty hand-crafted Christmas cards.

- Yes.

- Twenty cards, Harold. You're definitely mad.

- Well, I do have to be something when I'm not cruel. Apparently.

- Mark won't help you?

- Can't. He's at the town hall. Rehearsals started on the weekend.

- What's he this time?

- The Angel Gabriel.

- Typical.

- Yes. He’s been tooting his own horn all bloody week.

- And you haven't?

- Right. That's you off the list.

- Whatever makes things easier...


  1. Typical Christmas conversation, Owen, always start with good intentions and end up ...! An enjoyable read to lighten the times.

    1. Thank you, Vivien! Hope you had a light-hearted Christmas!

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