A Week Of America's Shame by Juliet Thomas

Land of the Free or so they say But this week it doesn’t feel that way Where women’s choice has been taken away And men in suits choose their fate, come what may It doesn’t matter how it occurred Their right to choose has now been deferred With struggle, anguish and pain preferred A girl or a woman’s voice, no longer heard Was it ever a choice so easily made? Hell no! There was always a price to be paid With guilt and shame, and now more afraid Punished and cursed, refused legal aid And this is the year 2022 I can’t quite believe it, can you? Pro-‘Conceived’-life they herald, is the victorious view Yet gun laws NOT overturned, right on cue They sell guns like sweets to those on the streets Allow murder in schools, cannot change those rules The red necks need the power of a trigger, to make them feel bigger In the name of protection, America’s lasting infection And, so as a woman and mother to a ...