Monday 15 August 2022

Year of Darkness - Part 3 - 1036 by Jo Cameron-Symes


We set sail on the eve of another year of darkness. The signs were not auspicious but we had no choice. Our crops had failed and we believed that now would be a good time to journey to a more providential land, though a land, that we had heard was in flux.

“Have we enough provisions to sustain the journey, brother?” Bjorn said.

“I hope so, brother. Fear not, the Lord will carry us safely through our voyage,” Erik replied.

Helga walked to the back of the boat and looked out across the shadowy horizon. The sea was eerily calm. It was as if they were gliding over a huge lake. The only light was from their flickering fire torches, that guided their path through the sea. Helga shivered as she thought of the tales that the skalds told, of the giant sea creatures that lurked out of the gloom and swallowed longships whole, like the serpent, Jörmungandr. If the tales were true, she was sure that they’d appear on a night like tonight, for it felt like something was about to happen. The gods had told her so, though she could not tell the others, as they were all Christian and would not believe her. 

“Something troubling you, Wife?” Bjorn said.

“Nothing. I just fear the dark, that is all, Husband,” Helga said.

“We are Viking, we are strong, and so shall be, our child,” Bjorn said, as he put a hand on Helga’s stomach.

“What is that?” cried Erik as he pointed to the horizon. A distant shape had appeared and was heading for them.

“Who goes there?” he shouted.

As it drew closer, the shadowy form of a large wooden vessel could be seen. It was unlit, and no crew could be seen. It was moving fast, as if propelled by some unseen force and heading straight for them.

“Steer clear! As Warlord and leader of this longship, I command you!,” Erik

shouted, yet, the longship kept advancing.

Helga looked up at the moon. It was not yet full, perhaps tomorrow it would be, then they would have to get the shackles out and restrain Erik and Bjorn would take over. It made her nervous, being in a confined space with Erik, when he was cursed with such an affliction. He had tried to rid himself of the curse as best he could, they had learned that the best way to cope with it was to take him deep into the forest, where he could hunt at will. He was forbidden to return until the moon was newborn again. There was no forest here though, nor an endless supply of deer, only a salted venison carcass, which they hoped would be enough.

“Turn the longship!” Erik commanded. Bjorn shouted at the crew and they steered the boat around and out of the way just in time. 

“I’m coming aboard!” Erik shouted as he leapt onto the boat and secured it to their longship with a rope. Helga and Bjorn looked at each other nervously. Was this a trick of some kind? Were they about to be raided by a crew hiding under blankets? The silence was intolerable, everyone held their breath as Erik explored the vessel.

“I am Erik, Warlord and leader of this longship. We are Viking. Are you brethren?” he said.

His calls were met by silence. 

“There’s no one here,” Erik said, as he looked around.

“There are plenty of provisions here. Four of my men, come aboard and load up

our longship will you? They’ll just go to waste otherwise,” Erik said.

“Is that wise?” Helga said.

“Of course it is. There’s no harm in taking it, if they’ve abandoned their vessel!” Erik said.

“But what if they are poisoned?” Helga said. “It could be a trap?”

The crew stopped and looked at Helga.

“Nonsense! You’ve always been suspicious, I’m the leader and you all need to follow my orders.” Erik said.

Till tomorrow, thought Helga.

“Hand me my axe will you, brother, there’s a chest on board that is locked. You never know, there might be riches inside!” Erik laughed.

“Stand back!” he commanded as he brought the axe smashing down on the locked chest.

Everyone gasped and stood in shock for there was a man inside clothed in rags. He was alive but shivering all over. 

“Bring him aboard, he needs attention! Helga, see to this man, please!” Erik shouted.

Helga leans over the man and stares into his face. His eyes are pools of blackness in the dark.

“What is your name?” she asked.

“William,” he replied in a strange accent. 

“Do you understand me?” she asked.

“Ja,” he replied.

“What happened to you?” she said.

“Plague,” he replied. Helga examined his wounds, though could see no signs of plague.

“Are you sick?” she asked.

“No. The men attacked me, they were mad with fever and they locked me up in that chest.”

Helga called over Ivar and asked him to hold the torch nearby so she could examine the wound closely. It was a deep wound, though there was no pus, it looked clean and fresh. There appeared to be claw marks at its edges. The man groaned and held his side. She moved the rags across to find another deep wound, Helga breathed in shakily.

“How did you get these wounds? They look like an animal has attacked you. That injury on your side looks like a wolfbite,” Helga said.

“There was a dog on board the longship, it attacked me as it too, was mad with fever,” William said.

“What happened to the crew, the dog?” Helga asked.

“They threw themselves overboard. As I told you, they were mad!”

Helga motioned for Ivar to pass her the torch and she examined the man’s torso.

William had a full head of dark hair, but the torchlight revealed a fine coating of silvery grey hair, that covered his torso.

“How old are you?” Helga asked.

“Twenty one,” he replied.

Helga raised an eyebrow. “We can put poultices on your wounds. Rest, water and good vittles should help you to recover. Ivar, my assistant shall look after you, I need to

speak with Erik,” she nodded at Ivar who took over the treatment.

Helga ushered Erik and Bjorn to the far end of the boat.

“Do we have more than one pair of shackles?” she asked.

“No,” Erik replied.

“Were there any on the other boat? Do we have another restraint?” 

“There was only the chest, which is smashed up now,” said Erik.

“Then we have a problem,” Helga sighed, and she looked over towards William lying prone on the table, the man who tomorrow, would turn into a wolf and devour.


  1. This carries the story on well, Jo. Who will devour whom, is the question. Erik or the man in the chest? Thanks for this intriguing section. Vivien

  2. I'm glad to see Bjorn, Erik and Helga all setting out to safety. Still, one wolf or another, it won't be plain sailing. Thank you, Jo!
