Monday 11 September 2023

Fragrant September by Anna Kingston


Cinnamon and ginger in your favourite coffee shop,

Crisply ironed shirts and the smell of polished shoes,

Fragrant fallen leaves upon the gently warming soil,

And frost assaults your nose in riotous shades of blue.


Richly scented candles and firelighters in the stove,

Soups and stews and comfort foods simmering on the hob,

The smell of car exhausts that lingers in the air,

The odour of new notebooks you’ve bought for your new job.


The smell of the lawn’s last haircut before it goes to sleep,

The final hurrah of flowers, including the wild roses.

Polish on kitchen table, and oil on oak worktops

Filling the hungry wood and filling up our noses.


Fragrant cocoa replaces tea as my supper drink of choice,

Hot water bottle smells upstairs before we go to bed.

Smelly umbrellas and wellies herald wetter days this month,

And the spicy tang of Vapour Rub to clear my stuffy head.


Fragrant sun-warmed fruit brings thoughts of apples crumble,

Whilst fresh cut wood sparks early thoughts of warmth on Bonfire Night.

The perfumes of September are like no other month

Gently taking your senses through autumn’s hazy light.


Anna M. Kingston ©  September 2023


  1. Very evocative of this time of year, Anna. I love the phrase 'the lawn's last haircut'! Thanks for sharing this.

  2. A lovely assembly of earthy warm smells to herald the change in seasons. Looking forward to those warming sensations but not the vapour rub!
