Monday 2 July 2018

Collier’s Creek: 8 – Family by Gemma Allen

“I think he got out” I blurted, before wondering if that was the right thing to say. “Think? You don’t know?” “Well, a group of men got out, I don’t know if he was one of them.” Bonnie cast her eyes down. “Where did they go?” “I’m so sorry, Bonnie, I didn’t see where they went.”
She looked crestfallen. I couldn’t help myself, reaching out to take her hand. She flinched and moved away. “I need to get back to Ma”, she muttered. “Want a lift back to town?” I nodded gratefully and clambered onto the wagon.
When we pulled up Bonnie rushed into the bar before I could even get down. I followed her in, where she was already in deep, urgent discussions with Ma. I stood there like a spare wheel, wondering how to help.
Hannah burst in. “Is he alive?” Bonnie glared at me. “He don’t know. Said there was a group of fellas got out, but ran off.” She seemed hysterical, and Hannah stood in front of her. “Calm down gal, we’ll find ‘im.” “No, he’s gone, he’s left me!” Hannah slapped her hard. “You gotta calm down!” Bonnie put her hands on her hips, and Ma pulled me back. Bonnie grabbed Hannah by her hair, and in retaliation Hannah scratched her nails down Bonnie’s arm, forcing her to let go. Bonnie then shoved Hannah with all her might, and she fell to the ground. She sprang back up and took up what looked like a boxing stance. “Hey!” Ma shouted. They stepped back from each other, breathing hard. I stepped forward, but Ma grabbed my arm to stop me. “Leave ‘em to sort it out”, Ma hissed. “You cow!” Bonnie spat on the floor by Hannah’s foot. “I know what you an’ Billy an’ Hank are up to, hunting that wolf! Billy got y’all caught up in it, cos you’ll do anything for him!” Hannah shook her hard, smiling. “You’re wrong! I’ve ma own mind! Me an’ Hank offered to help Billy, he was having trouble hurting that darn thing on his own! But someone else lured that creature into the mine to be killed, it weren’t us.” “That someone would be me.”

Silence descended as Aunt Margaret swept gracefully into the bar. Ma’s hand felt clammy on my arm. “Margaret? What you doin’ in town? You never leave the ranch!” Aunt Margaret glanced at her sister. “I had business”, she drawled, taking in the state of her two nieces. “Did you...kill the wolf? “ Ma asked incredulously. “Well, not me”, she smiled demurely. “I don’t like to get ma hands dirty. James offered to help. In exchange for me giving him lodgings. With extras...” Bonnie gasped. “What?” “Some men prefer experience, dear.” Aunt Margaret smirked. Hannah shook her head. “Jeez. Even though you knew him and Bonnie know?” “I have to get things down round the ranch. Me an’ James, it was a useful arrangement.” Bonnie ran sobbing up the stairs. Aunt Margaret settled down on a chair and adjusted her skirt. Hannah walked over and jabbed a finger in her face. “I don’t care if you are ma aunt, you hurt Bonnie and you will pay!” Aunt Margaret rolled her eyes. “She’ll get over it, she’s only known him for a few weeks.” I finally found my voice. “Hang, got him to rig the mine to kill the wolf?” Margaret nodded. “Not just that. I knew Billy had his gun runnin’ goin’ on in there. I wanted to teach him a lesson.” “Why?” “Cos he was leading Hannah an’ Hank astray, o’course. Into all that gun smuggling, but wanted to keep ‘imself safe. And that wolf...Can’t have no one hurting the family, can I?” She looked at me defiantly. “If James hadn’t killed the wolf, it would have got him, then all of us. This is my town, I ain’t having that. So an explosion at the mine seemed like the perfect solution. “ The pieces started to fall into place. Aunt Margaret was the real sheriff of this town after all, pulling the strings. “Did James get out?” Hannah asked Aunt Margaret shrugged. “I don’t know. They all ran off.” There was a shouting outside, and I heard Billy’s voice. “Who blew up the mine?” We all peered out of the windows, to see Billy pacing around, totting a gun and waving it at anyone with the misfortune to be nearby. “I suppose it’s that time.” Aunt Margaret sighed and checked her holster. “What you thinking?” Ma gasped. “Maybe it’s time to put Billy in his place, once and for all.” Aunt Margaret strode to the door, paused and looked back. “This is for the family.”

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