Passport - Part Eight by Yvonne Witter

Rikard's hands were trembling and a bead of sweat fell on her face as he tried to tie Jack’s hands. He really was hopeless. As a Ranger Guide, she could tie better knots than this. The voice coming from upstairs was raspy and whiney, and the footsteps accompanying the voice were now at the top of the stairs, and the door handle shook. It was, after all, Saturday night and it seemed that the entrance door wasn't secured or someone with a key had let themselves in. Jack started to feel hopeful that this ordeal might soon be over.
   “Rikard! Rikard! I have been waiting for ages, I am so tired of your shit,” she whined.
   Rikard’s eyes widened, and he pushed Jack over as he fumbled towards the stairs. He used his index finger on his lips as a warning to be quiet, followed by using same finger to draw a swift line across his neck. She gulped. 
   “I am not coming into that dungeon for your kinky games tonight either, so just come on up. Now!” She tried to sound assertive.
   Last thing Jack needed was for him to have an accomplice, so she decided to check on KT. As she moved towards him, she noticed the pairs of feet through the glass panel which was at street level. That streetlight was all the illumination she needed. A phone hit the pavement first, then a handbag and its contents, then a female on her knees crawling to retrieve the spewed contents. The rain made it difficult to see her face clearly.
   Jack could hear footsteps in the building, so she quickly went back to where he had left her. Her heart sank as he came down the stairs, the fresh scratches on his face had started to ooze. 
   “I was neglected and ignored,” he spat, “whilst you were living like a princess. Now I want my inheritance, and you will not be getting any of it. Do you hear me? Nothing!”
   He was now holding a bottle of red wine and swigging in between sentences. His tirade was interrupted by loud banging on the door upstairs. This person was insistent. Rikard, tried to ignore the noise and carried on ranting over the din, then there was an almighty crashing sound. He jumped up and ran upstairs.
   Jack looked over at KT and this time went straight to him.  He winked at her with his left eye, whatever Rikard thought of him, he had over 30 years in the Secret Service and knew a thing or two about survival and mimicking death and dealing with amateurs. Clearly, he had a strategy for dealing with this erratic man who was her own brother. He showed her the pistol in his sock and the knife in his waist. They smiled at each other as she lifted her arms to show how loose the knot was.


  1. Action! Excitement! Where will it all end?

    Thanks for this, Yvonne!


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