Musings on a Wet Afternoon by Virginia Hainsworth
Transition Transition excites me. It means development or growth. Enhancement. Improvement. I want to exist in a state of transition. To set off on a journey and arrive back in the same place but to have developed en route. That is a good journey. Love A word used too often. ‘I love Asian food’. ‘I love Oxford.’ We should only be allowed to utter the word a maximum of 100 times in our whole lifetime. Then we would use it wisely. I love that idea. Oops! Oddballs. I like people who are oddballs. Unless they sit next to me on a bus. Then I feel intimidated by them. Intensity I wish I had a magic wand and could conjure up intensity when I required it – focus, concentration, passion, expression – at the drop of a hat. How wonderful that would be. Place Everyone should have a place of their own. A small space where they can be themselves. Be safe, be warm, ...