Friday 24 April 2020

Consequences by Jo Cameron-Symes

Fields of flowers, fields of corn, 
A drop in the ocean before you were born. 

Fields of barley, fields of wheat, 
The chirping of crickets before we first meet. 

Islands of paradise, islands of sand, 
The whisper of warmth that I find in your hand. 

Mountains of wonder, mountains we yearn, 
The stone that we place on the top of the kern. 

Forests of whispers, forests of want, 
The wood that we stroke as we lie on the yacht. 

Seas of beauty, seas of pain, 
The boat that we sail through the plastic again. 

Storms of fury, storms of rage, 
The sadness we feel as we sit in our cage. 

Fires that ravage, fires that wreck, 
The anger we feel as we watch from the deck. 

The graveyards of nature, the charred acorn, 
We wonder and wish that we'd never been born.


  1. Just wanted to write a caveat that I wrote this before all the Covid-19 crisis began, so I apologise if it seems rather bleak at the moment!

  2. This is a wonderfully emotive poem with some stunning bursts of imagery. I would say it covers all key moments in our lives. Thank you, Jo.

  3. I love how the feeling moves along with the rhythm. A poem for our times.

    1. Thanks, Andrew! I thought I'd better put that caveat that I wrote this a while back in the comments, as I didn't want people to think I was being bleak at this time. :)
