Friday 10 April 2020

Two Poems by Andrew Shephard


My bags are in that room and you are too.
This corridor’s familiar, doors similar,
but something’s not quite right.
I turn left, climb stairs, turn right then right again,
still room, bags, you
are out of sight this roving
raving, hunting, night that feels like day
until I wake.
When I do, perhaps,
cloud curtains block the morning light.
I’m cold, exhausted from
a sheet-soaked night of searching
for room, bags, you
so close, I feel, but out of sight.
You must be found. You must!
Patiently then nervily then frantically I search.
I know the room is there, there was no sleight.
How come the building’s shifted style
and my room is out of sight?

I dream I wake. With heavy lids
I see a shape, it might be you, or someone like,
a misty silhouette in black and white
until another turn or strife
keeps you and everything that matters
to me just out of sight.
I’m stuck looking for a room that’s mine
a love that’s mine, a bag that’s mine,
scrabbling through a long twilight
for out-of-sight be-longings
up or down one flight.
All dreams end. I won’t give up, 
I'll toss and turn again tomorrow night.


A blackbird sings in half-light
enticing the sun to rise sooner.
A blue tit taps a nest box entrance
conjuring a mate to appear.
A pigeon pair pose and coo on a roof
in the seconds between showers.
All are certain
summer is no dream.


  1. Two very different but equally fabulous, pieces. I particularly like the second one. Very timely.

  2. A lovely poetic chiaroscuro: a verse of darkness before the verse of dawn. Thanks, Andrew.

  3. the words in the first poem move it fast illustrating the aggitation. In the second they are slower, calmer. I enjoyed both poems.
