Monday 11 May 2020

Jack Armitage by Chris Lloyd

Jack Armitage is sitting on a hard, metal chair, chin cupped in both hands, elbows on knees.  The Green, Green Grass of Home by Tom Jones is in his head “… then I awake and look around me, at four grey walls that surround me…..”. Well, that is certainly true other than the colour, he muses. A wry smile skitters across his face. But here he is, banged up, his past life playing like a Tom Cruise movie.
He is back in ’74 on his first “job” with Harry Miller a very nasty piece of work, not that Jack knows that. He is to drive the car that will carry the two of them to their safe place. There are however flaws in this plan in that one, Jack has not passed his driving test and two, the chosen car is an old Ford Consul with a column gear change. Jack is having a bad time remembering how reverse gear is engaged which is critical since there is now a car parked tight up to his front bumper. He has no chance of a forward exit hence he has to work out how to back up. It’s when he is trying to make this happen that the front passenger door bursts open and Harry jumps in, crashes the door shut and shouts at Jack to drive off. At that very moment he finds reverse and the car lurches backwards and crashes into the vehicle directly behind then stalls. Harry goes berserk. Jack though, has had enough so he removes himself from the Consul and takes off down the road, remembering that he is still 200 metres senior school champion.
His smile at that episode could be called beatific except Jack Armitage was anything but. Mr Armitage, as he was known, is a big man. Big hands, fists, big feet all of which had carried him through his chosen field of expertise. That is keeping the competition at bay by dealing out his own form of justice in any disputes. He is one of those men who has good looks too, with chiselled facial features but not overly so. He is also happily married to Susie, a girl from his school, two years his junior. Susie does not know what Jack’s business affairs are, but she imagines him as some kind of entrepreneur who sometimes has large amounts of cash on his person.
Harry Miller was the first and last man to land a punch on Jack. In fact, Harry Miller landed more than a few once he’d found Jack two days after the botched escape. Fortunately for Jack, Harry was never caught or even suspected of the crime otherwise Jack would no longer be of this world.
Jack’s one real regret was marrying Susie, not that he didn’t lover her dearly, no. It was that as his wife, she was involved with him in his mess and while he was in this particular nick, the boys in blue could keep finding excuses to hassle and scare her. He didn’t doubt her one iota but it must be a strain.  However, they will find nothing incriminating in their house and will never find his “office” in a million years. He is one of only two living humans that know that location. The second person is his dad, now residing in a very expensive Care Home, mainly re-living the war.
His reverie is broken by a loud knock telling him to stand back; he complies. His brief walks in and they shake hands.
            “Jack, good to see you. How they treating you? Well I hope.”
            Jack looks Bryan Marwood up and down, notices he’d gained s few pounds.
“You too, not too bad. Not many refreshments in this one. When am I getting out, Bryan? I have things to do.”
“Hmmm. We have a slight problem, Jack, in that our friends here say they have a person who has sufficient information to send you down. Who would that be, Jack?”
“It’s a bluff. How long can they keep me without charge? I guarantee no one, not a single soul knows anything incriminating about me.”
“OK I’ll press them to tell me. You will probably be held without charge for twenty four hours.”
           “Then what? Can they make something up?”
           “They could but they would have to make it clear what it is they have. Leave it with me and stay positive.”
Bryan leaves. Jack racks his brains but there is no one with any knowledge which could be used against him. What he wants now, more than anything, is to go home to Susie. His cell door opens again and he looks up to see Bryan and, of all the people in this world, DCI Robert Frost. This is a turn up.
“Jack, I understand that you know DCI Frost,” Bryan said.
“Long time ago, yes. Well Mr Frost this is a surprise, what’s going on?”

“How’s it going, Jack? I got some papers to show you here. They are sworn statements made
to me in the course of my investigations in to your business affairs. You have the right to read them with your Lawyer, Mr Marwood. Once you have read them you will have the opportu…”
“Hold on here. Am I under arrest or not? If not, I would like to go home. If I am, read me my rights, do the job properly.”
“Jack, in my opinion I think you and I should read them here,” said Bryan.
“Not a hope. Tell him to arrest me or let me go home.”
Robert Frost walks to face Jack, standing very close to him and says: “Jack Armitage I will have you sooner or later, you can depend on it. You are free to leave.” Frost is fuming as he turns abruptly away. “I will have you Armitage, I swear.”
As soon as Jack and Bryan are clear of the nick Jack turns to Bryan.
           “What the fuck was that about? What sworn statements has he got? None I can tell you that for sure. So, what’s his game?”
           “I’m not sure Jack – we should have looked at them when he offered. Yes, Yes, I know what you said but now we do not know whether he’s bluffing or not. I think we should think he’s got something. That way we might have answers if needed. I also do not think he’s the type to make wild claims so be on your mettle Jack.”
           “Seriously, there is no information on me Bryan but as you say I will give it some thought. I’ll also give a call to my friendly DS – see what he knows if anything. Drop me at home, I need a drink.”
Jack opens the front door of his house and Susie runs into his arms.
           “Ohhh, Jack, I been scared stiff. The police have been….”
“Susie, my darlin’ girl don’t be upset, it’s all a mistake. Did they touch anything?”
“No Jack they just came in and told me you’d been arrested and were locked up. What’s happening, Jack? I’m scared.”
“It’s a windup, love. They think I’ve been up to no good, which I haven’t babe. I’ll stay here with you for a few days but I gotta go to fetch my car. So see you in an hour, I promise.”
“No don’t go, Jack. I’m scared enough as it is.”
“ I have to, babe, it won’t take long. I’ll get someone here to sit with you.”
Fifteen minutes later a Range Rover glides silently to a stop on Jack and Susie’s driveway and Sam Downes steps out and walks to the door which is opened immediately.
“Jack, I hope you’re well and Susie of course. I’ll stay here until you get back; take your time mate.”
“Cheers Sam, I’ll be a couple of hours at least. She’s upset I got temporarily banged up today on some flimsy excuse and the filth came here to give her some hassle, the bastards. I need to get my car back here before they find it, if you know what I mean. Keep the doors locked, Sam. I owe you one.”
The two men shake hands and Jack slips away on foot, walks briskly for twenty minutes before he calls another number. Within five minutes a grey Nissan Micra stops and Jack slips inside. He gives instructions to Jonny McGovern. Jonny stops the car fifteen minutes later and Jack gets out, let’s the Nissan disappear and sets off in the opposite direction. He steps behind a high wall attached to a railway bridge and waits. Twenty minutes later he’s sure the Nissan hasn’t returned. He is thankful he has friends he can rely on. He puts a SIM in his new phone and calls DS Carl Parker.
“Carl, I need to know what Frost is up to and quick if you know what’s good for you.”
Parker is confused.
“Frost? Robert Frost? You’re winding me up; he’s retired. It must be, what, two years ago,
maybe more.”
“Well, what I can tell you? I got pulled in earlier today and is was him who called into my cell. So, whatever he or anyone else is up to concerning me, you, pal, are going to find out fast. Understand?”
“What, you testing me or something – he’s retired Jack, I know he is.”
“Listen, Carl it will go very badly for you if you don’t get me what I want to know. Just do what I want and we’ll call it quits, that is a good offer. You better believe me. Tell me you’ll do it.”
“Ok Jack, but I can tell you that it will be difficult if he is doing some sort of special investigation cos it’ll be top secret. I’ll do what I can. Call me later."

Jack kills the call and dumps the SIM and walks for two miles to his car. He also has a spare car parked fifteen metres from his. He unlocks the spare, opens the door and sits watching for a further twenty minutes. He then points his remote to his own car and it unlocks. Indicators flash and all lights come on. He sits still and waits. He has learned to wait over the years and can stay calm, alert and relaxed in most situations.
Once he is certain no one is waiting for him to make a move, he quietly gets out of the spare car, locking it as he does, and walks directly to his own, opens the driver’s door and drives steadily away up the A40 then heads along the M40 west towards Oxford and pulls in to the services at Junction 8. Once again, he waits then walks inside and orders a coffee and sits thinking about what could be going on. However long he thinks, nothing comes to mind. The fact that Frost is poking around though is strange and slightly disturbing, although Jack knows for certain there is nothing Frost will find. It must be a setup, but how and by who?
When he is certain that he is not being followed, Jack drives the fifty odd miles to Godalming and home.

As he drives onto his driveway he sees that all the house lights are on but no unusual cars near. He spots movement in the hallway, somebody in a hurry. As much as he dislikes guns he reaches under his seat and palms the Beretta and strides to the door. There’s a fracas somewhere in the house. Trying to guess what’s going will difficult so he opens the door quietly and steps in. Sam is down on the floor bleeding but conscious. He points upstairs. Jack takes the safety off the pistol and goes quickly and quietly upstairs. 
He controls his fears and creeps to the door of his and Susie’s room. He sees a shadow movement under the door, follows it and squeezes a shot at waist height, bursts into the room, taking a massive risk of Susie being hurt or worse but she is lying on the bed alive with no serious injuries but not moving. His shot through the door has disabled a guy who is now bleeding profusely. Jack then hears a shout behind him and stands stock still. He knows the voice. Of course, this is the setup. He remains cool.
“Harry fucking Miller. Well, well a second unreal turnup in one day. First Frost, now you. I would have put ten Grand on that not happening. What d’you want, Miller? One of us in gonna die in this room and as god gave me breath it won’t be me. Have you hurt her….”
“Shut the fuck up, Jack. I don’t want her, I want you. You are going take me to your office and we will do a deal like the gentlemen we are. Your pal Carl Parker told me a story the other day and I knew I could get you nicked. He told me Frost was looking at you again. It was just too good to be true. I’ve never forgot you putting me in danger of being nicked and now I’ve got you good as dead.”
Jack suspects that Harry has dropped his guard while he thinks he has the upper hand so he spins round and puts two rounds in to him and Miller slumps against a chair and looks at Jack in shock.
“No office for you. You should have shot me, Harry. You always were a pathetic loser. I’m a fucking millionaire many times over and I’ve stayed that way because I’m strong and not shit scared of pulling this trigger. Say hello to hell, Harry.”
He puts a third bullet in Harry’s head. Susie is moving and Miller’s partner is moaning so he carries Susie to another bedroom and locks their bedroom door. He then goes downstairs to attend to Sam who is now sitting but in pain, his breathing is short and fast.
“Jack, see to Susie, I think they drugged her to keep her quiet, I’m ok, just a scratch.”
“OK Sam, so long as you’re sure stay as still as you can. I’ll get her down and take the two of you to my special medic. There’s guy upstairs bleeding but he won’t last long.”
His good friend, Dr. William Brent welcomes Jack and his passengers into his “surgery” and starts the business of reviving Susie and patching up Sam. Jack reluctantly goes back to the house to tidy up after swapping cars with William. It takes thirty minutes and after he ensures, once again, there is nothing amiss in the vicinity of the house, he edges the car onto his drive. However, he is not happy, something not right. Then he realises that none of his external lights are on. Sam’s car is still parked but all the same something amiss so he stops the car and reverses flat out, spins round and floors the car into the distance. For once he is jittery.
He stops the car outside Brent’s house and calls Carl Parker like he said he would.
“What have you got for me, Carl? something good I hope. It’s been a hard few hours and I’m not in the mood to be fobbed off. So, tell me.”
“I’ve got nothing, Jack, except something I don’t understand. Frost has been told to go home and retire properly.”
“You sure you’re not pulling mine, Carl? I hear you and Harry Miller had a heart to heart the other day, he was telling me about it a while ago. Let me inform you, as the bent fucking copper you are, that Mr Miller is no longer able to interfere with me. Got it? Now, one word of this and I will send somebody to see you and yours. I sincerely hope you are listening, Carl. Don’t count on your pension.”

He dumps the SIM and goes to see how Dr Brent is doing. He presses the bell at the “surgery”. Brent opens up and leads Jack to where Susie is sitting up holding her head as if she’d got a massive hangover.
“Jack, thank God you’re ok. What happened, who were those men who came to the house?  
“Nobody, my love. They made a mistake, that’s all. It’s all ended amicably and they won’t bother us again.”
“Can we go home then? I need my bed with you in it, Jack.”
“Yeah me too, Suzs, but we can’t not for the time being, babe. I have to have the place cleared up a bit to make sure it’s nice and lovely for my girl. That’s ok, isn’t it?”
“Why is it messy? I’m confused, Jack. Where will we stay, Jack and what about clothes and things?”
“We’ll take a trip to the coast for while. I’ll get Sam to organise the house we’ll go up to town and get you some new stuff before we go. OK?”
“Oh Jack you are so good to me. Promise you won’t work so we can spend the time together.”
He agreed he wouldn’t do any actual work but might call a few people to tidy up any loose ends.
He reasoned he didn’t need to go back to the house yet as there were no witnesses to put him there except Miller’s partner but Jack reckoned, correctly, that he would have bled out by now. A week at the coast appealed to him too.
He would make a call to a friend of his and suss out whether DCI (Rtd.) Robert Frost was still scouting about or maybe he might be writing poetry, who knows. It’s a funny old life when you think about it.
He later found out that Susie had let Miller and friend in as they were posing as CID while Sam was securing the rear of the house. Sam had got cut trying to save Susie who had then been dragged upstairs and drugged about ten minutes before Jack showed up.
Mr Carl Parker, no longer a copper, Jack made sure of that. His family live in a safe house with a new identity. 
Jack Armitage knows exactly where they are………

©Christopher Lloyd


  1. Good storytelling Chris. Am quite tired now after all that activity.

  2. A hard-as-nails tour de force. What a journey! Thanks, Chris.

  3. I love reading stories where I'm not quite sure how it's all going to end. Thanks, Chris, enjoyed reading that.
